Special Town Meeting: Tonight at 7PM – Middle School

Selectmen voted at their November 13th meeting to support and recommend all three warrant articles for the Special Town Meeting scheduled for Monday, November 26. The three articles going before voters are:

1) the Elmwood School Roof Replacement with a price tag of $1.1 million,
2) the Elm Street Sewer Extension for $220,000 and,
3) the Grove Street-Main Street Parcel Acquisition, a 206 square foot piece of landed gifted to the town by the Colella family.

According to the presentation prepared by the School Department, the Elmwood School roof is in poor condition with cracking, puddling and lifting. The existing roof, with a 20 year warranty, was installed in 1989 and is now 24 years old. Leaks in the roof have been repaired over the last three summers for a total cost of $33,000, but the problem persists, causing damage to internal rooms, the possibility of flooding and mold, and puts electrical equipment at risk. In order to make repairs to the roof without disrupting classroom instruction, the repair work must be done over the summer, and in order to meet that timeline, bids for construction must go out as soon as possible.

Using Fiscal Year 2012 tax figures, the estimated tax impact on the average single family home is $26.46.

The School Department will host a Public Forum on Tuesday, November 20 at 7PM in the Elmwood Library to provide information about the Elmwood School Roof Replacement prior to Town Meeting.

The $220,000 article for the Elm Street Sewer Extension is a result of a settlement between the town and a property owner on Elm Street who was bettered as part of the Phase 6 sewer project, but was not actually connected to town sewer. Rather than grant an abatement, the Board of Selectmen voted to support the $220,000 article that will extend the sewer pipe, making the connection possible.

The third article, the Grove Street-Main Street Parcel Acquisition, confirms the gift of land to the town from the Colella family that was made during recent improvements to the downtown intersection.

Special Town Meeting is Monday, November 26 at 7PM in the Hopkinton Middle School Auditorium and will be broadcast live by HCAM-TV on Comcast Channel 8 and Verizon Channel 30.

Selectmen encouraged residents to be aware of the November 26 date and to attend.

“We would hope that as many people can attend as possible,” said Brian Herr. “This is a big issue in terms of the roof and the health of that school.”

NOTE: To see the Special Town Meetings Motions and Hand Warrant Click Here

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