The Supreme Court struck down the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) this morning ruling the same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional. Karen Spilka made the following statement regarding the Supreme Court’s decisions on marriage equality today:
“In a historic decision, the Supreme Court has ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act violates equal protection principles and is unconstitutional. This is one more step toward ensuring full equality for all of our citizens and is incredible news for our country. As someone who has been involved in this fight for over a decade, I am overjoyed by this decision. I am proud to have been one of the first state legislators in the county to vote for marriage equality in 2004; it is amazing how far the country has come. Today is a huge victory for millions of American families.
I am disappointed we didn’t see a broader ruling striking down discriminatory laws like California’s Proposition 8. The march for full marriage equality that began in Massachusetts will continue until all Americans are free to marry whoever they love in all 50 states.”