Spilka Endorsed by Three Additional Local Laborers’ Unions

Three more Laborers’ International locals have enthusiastically endorsed Karen Spilka for Congress. Karen has earned their support because she is a proven fighter for the middle class. The endorsing locals are 380 from Cambridge, 1156 from Framingham and 1116 from Natick and they represent thousands of working families across Massachusetts.

Chuck Chase of Local 1156 said, “Karen has always been there for our workers and she never backs down from doing what is right. We know that we can depend on Karen to fight for working families in Congress because she understands that making sure the middle class thrives is the best way to grow our economy.””

“I am honored to have received the support of the hardworking men and women of Locals 1156, 1116 and 380,” added Karen. “In Congress, I will fight every single day to make sure that our economy works for working families. I will find innovative ways to spur economic development and I will never back down from doing everything I can to support the middle class.”

Karen has been endorsed by unions from all across the district including the Laborers’ Local 609, Laborers’ Local 22, Laborers’ Local 151, IBEW Local 1505, the Boston Carmen’s Union Local 589, the Building Wreckers Local 1421, American Postal Workers Union Local 4553, UFCW Local 1445 and the Mail Handlers Local 301. She also has the backing of the Central Massachusetts AFL-CIO.

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