Join us for Hopkinton’s 5th Annual Spring Green Up by meeting at the Town Common at 9:00 am on April 27th. Many town organizations, clubs and neighborhoods will again be participating in our effort to clean up Hopkinton. Please grab a pair of gloves and a garbage bag and either head out your door to pick up trash or identify an area of town that needs clean up and head there. We will be working with town groups to organize clean up of areas in need of clean up. Please let us know where you plan to go so that we do not duplicate efforts. Let’s make this year our best year yet!
Harvey’s will be donating three dumpsters for the effort as well as help will be coming from the police department to identify illegal dumping areas in town. Meet at the Town Common at 9:00AM on April 27th. We will be handing out gloves and trash bags for anyone who is interested.
The Shredding Truck will also be parked near the Common from 9am-2pm, so bring your documents to be shredded! Please, no books or magazines. Remove all metal from hanging file folders and spiral bound notebooks. Staples and paper clips do not need to be removed.)
For more information, please visit the Sustainable Green Committee website.
“What great way to come together as a sustainable community,” said Chairman Andy Boyce. “We look forward to seeing everyone out-and-about Saturday April 27th!”
What:pring Green Up and Shredding Day
Where: Meet at Town Common
When: Saturday, April 27, 2013 from 9AM to 2PM