This weekend, St. John the Evangelist Church will welcome back worshipers to celebrate Pentecost
Sunday Mass in our church. Masses will be held following our regular schedule: 5pm on Saturday
evening, 8am and 10am on Sunday morning, and 6:30pm on Sunday evening.
Please remember to wear your mask and bring a small hand sanitizer with you. We do have some in the
church but as you know, supplies have been limited.
Due to capacity restrictions at this time, please sign up for Mass on our website.
We ask that all parishioners use the front door only to enter the church unless you need to use the
elevator. There will be ushers at all the Masses to help with seats and distancing during communion.
Additional information regarding “people flow” especially during Communion will be posted on our
website later today. We ask that you please take a few minutes to view it and reach out with any
questions. We know there will be hiccups but by working together we will do our best to keep our
fellow parishioners safe.
Please note: The Cardinal’s dispensation from attending Mass remains in place. If you are in a high risk group
or are not comfortable attending Mass quite yet, please stay home. We will continue to film Father Cannon’s
Mass and post online for viewing.
Additionally, Reconciliation will also return this weekend at the usual time on Saturday, between
8:30AM and 9:15AM. This will take place in the Parish Hall.