Creatures of all species – including four-legged friends or feathered fowl — are invited to receive a special blessing at St. Paul’s 19th Annual Blessing of the Animals on October 3.
All dogs, cats, and others of God’s creatures – and their human friends – are invited to a special ceremony being held at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church at 61 Wood Street (Rte 135) in Hopkinton. This year the Blessing of the Animals is being done in a joint service with Grace United Methodist Church at 10:15 a.m. (also located at 61 Wood Street), followed by a “Pet Friendly” service of the Holy Eucharist at 10:30 a.m. All are welcome to attend.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is called to be an embracing, nourishing and life-giving family in Christ. St. Paul’s members believe they are called to care for each other, for the community and for the world. For more information call 508-435-4536 or visit St. Paul’s website at