Stage 3250 Returns Tuesday With Cameran Huestis and Cheryl Perrault

Your teachers can be your greatest inspirations.

Join us for a night of inspirational talks about teachers, by teachers.

Cameran Huestis, Hopkinton Middle School science teacher, discusses her extracurricular clubs, including Explore Pottermore and Hopsplay Cosplay. What is “geek culture”, and why does she want to foster their passion for all things geeky?

Then, Cheryl Perreault, host of Wake Up and Smell the Poetry, talks about finding her love of poetry. Listen as she discusses her shift from academia to poetry, and learn who inspired her and encouraged her love of writing.

Join us on Tuesday, March 24th, from 7:00-8:00 p.m. at HCAM studios, 77 Main St Hopkinton. Reserve your seats today at or by calling (508) 435-7887. We hope to see you there!

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