State Changes Affect Hopkinton Housing Authority

Hopkinton’s Town Clerk Connor Degan sent the following message to be shared with the community stating that changes at the state level will lead to an appointed individual filling an open slot in the Hopkinton Housing Authority rather than an elected person.

“The statutory make up of the Hopkinton Housing Authority (HHA) has been changed by the Department of Housing and Community Development to three (3) elected commissioners, one (1) appointee of the Governor, and one (1) tenant elected member. Therefore, the seat that is set to expire in May 2017 will not be up for reelection by the voters of the Town of Hopkinton. Since the apparatus for electing a tenant commissioner in the law is not yet set up, the Board of Selectmen and the remaining HHA Commissioners will appoint an individual, following the election, until the tenant elected seat can be filled.

This message serves to be a notice to those interested in the position, so that they may consider other offices for the May 2017 Annual Town Election. Please do not hesitate to contact my office with any questions or concerns.”

Connor B. Degan
Town Clerk
Town Clerk’s Office
Town of Hopkinton
18 Main Street
Hopkinton, MA 01748
Phone: 508-497-9710
Fax: 508-497-9786
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Tuesday 8:00 am to 7:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm

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