Sunday May 19th – A Busy Day for Hopkinton High School Music Students

First, the High School Jazz Ensemble performs at Noon at the Boston Hatch Shell. This ensemble recently earned a Gold Medal at the MAJE State Festival. All are welcome to enjoy some great jazz!

Then at 3:30 p.m. the Hopkinton High School cordially invites the public to its annual POPS Concert 2019. Enjoy performances by the music department’s Chorus, Noteworthy, Men’s Chorus, Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Lab, Symphonic Band, & Concert Band. Performances will be at the High School Athletic Center at 90 Hayden Rowe Street. Admission is $5 for individuals, $20 per family. Free admission for Senior Citizens, Hopkinton music students, faculty and staff. The Hopkinton Music Association provides refreshments at this performance which is included with admission!

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