Superintendent Search Focus Group Tonight in HHS Library

As you may know, the Hopkinton School Committee has engaged the services of the New England School Development Council (NESDEC) to assist them in the search process for our next Superintendent of Schools.

The School Committee will consider the input of faculty, staff, parents and community in determining the attributes, experience and knowledge that our next Superintendent should possess. Opinion on the immediate tasks and priorities on which our next Superintendent should focus for the next few years, will be valued as well. To that end, professionals from NESDEC will facilitate a community focus group to give interested individuals the opportunity to provide such input.

The focus group will be facilitated by a representative from NESDEC, is designed to last approximately 60 – 90 minutes, and is scheduled for:
Monday, 11/5/12, in the High School Library, from 7:00 – 8:30 PM

You are encouraged to attend this focus group, but if you prefer, you may provide input by participating in our electronic Community Survey. For more information, and a link to the survey, please visit the Superintendent Search website and click on the “Community Survey” link, found in the dialog box on the left-hand side of the page. NESDEC will compile the data from the focus group and electronic survey responses, and create an updated candidate profile, which will be presented to the School Committee for its consideration. The candidate profile from our last Superintendent search is also posted to this web site for your reference.

The Hopkinton School Committee and NESDEC appreciate your input, and look forward to hearing from you!

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