Superintendent Search Process Underway

After considering several potential courses of action, the Hopkinton School Committee has decided to continue its work with the New England School Development Council (NESDEC) to search for a Superintendent of Schools. To aid in the development of the candidate profile, NESDEC will reach out to the professional staff, parents/guardians and community to learn what attributes, experience and knowledge these groups feel the Superintendent should possess. In October, NESDEC will conduct a community forum in the evening; facilitate a forum with the administrative team; gather staff and community feedback through an electronic survey; conduct a forum with the School Committee; and interview key district staff and community leaders via telephone.

To support the search process, the School Committee voted to form an eleven-member Superintendent Search Screening Committee to assist in reviewing applications, interviewing candidates and recommending finalists to be interviewed by the School Committee. The eleven member Screening Committee will include representation from the district’s administrative office, building level administration, teaching staff, parent/guardian population, business community, Board of Selectmen and School Committee. The formation of that committee will take place in October with its work expected to begin in November, 2012. Screening of Superintendent candidate applications will begin on or about November 19, 2012, with an anticipated starting date for the selected candidate on or about July 1, 2013.

Interested candidates should contact: Dr. Arthur L. Bettencourt, Hopkinton Superintendent Search, NESDEC, 28 Lord Road, Marlborough, MA 01752; Phone: 508-481-9444; Email:; or go to the NESDEC web site: to download the application. For additional information about the school district, please refer to:

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