Superintendent Search Successful Candidate Profile

During the months of October and November, 2012, with the assistance of the New England School Development Council (NESDEC), the Hopkinton School Committee conducted a Community Needs Assessment. Through focus groups, interviews and an online questionnaire, participants provided their views regarding the qualities and characteristics desired in a new Superintendent of Schools, and the immediate tasks and challenges he/she should focus upon in the first six to twelve months in the position.

The Hopkinton School Committee subsequently reviewed and finalized all the input and comments collected through this needs assessment process. The resulting Successful Candidate Profile is designed to guide the interview and selection process during the superintendent search.

The Hopkinton School Committee wishes to thank and commend all those in the community and the schools who took the time to participate in the community needs assessment process. The School Committee looks forward to using the valuable insights gained through the needs assessment as candidates are considered for the position of Superintendent of Schools.

The Successful Candidate Profile can be viewed on the Superintendent Search section of the district website:

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