Superintendent Seeks Input

Based on extensive community feedback that both the Superintendent and School Committee have received in the last month, we are actively considering alternatives for the 2015/2016 School Calendar and would like your opinion on several options. Please complete the Survey. by noon on February 26th in order for your feedback to be taken into consideration before the School Calendar is approved at the March 5th School Committee meeting.

Please be aware that there are certain guidelines that we must work within, which include:

1) School Year Start and End Dates are driven by the current Teacher Contract – The school year may start no earlier than September 1, except when Labor Day falls on September 5th, 6th or 7th, it may open the Monday before Labor Day and end no later than June 30.

2) Must include 180 school days – this incorporates Early Release days

3) Must include 5 snow days beyond the 180 days

For 2015/2016 the School Committee is considering holding school on several days previously excluded from the calendar owing to religious holidays. It is important to note that religious exemptions are considered Excused Absences as part of the HOPKINTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE POLICY, and any changes to the school calendar would not impact this policy.

We are also exploring alternatives for the February and April breaks, so we would like to know your thoughts on these approaches as well.

Thank you for your time and participation.

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