Support Principal Alan Keller

This year, The Hopkinton Education Foundation and the Hopkinton Public Schools are coming together with the support of the 26.2 Foundation to sponsor Hopkinton Middle School principal, Alan Keller, to run the 116th Boston Marathon on April 16, 2012. The Education Foundation will use the funds raised from this program for grants that promote innovation, increase students’ success in the classroom and motivate students to become lifelong learners.

The Boston starts in our town, so it’s only fitting that one of our educators takes to the marathon trail to help raise funds for our schools. Help us do the good we do by supporting Alan on his first marathon run as we try to reach our $1 million goal in 2012.

As part of the Run a Principal Out of Town Program, the Hopkinton Education Foundation, in conjunction with Hopkinton schools, has launched several programs involving health and fitness and education.

How can you help?

1. You can contribute to the Run a Principal Out of Town fundraising program and help support our children and schools by visiting the Run-a-Principal-Out-of-Town website or by visiting the Hopkinton Education Foundation website.

2. Buy raffle tickets to win Red Sox tickets, gift certificates and more. For more information, either download the raffle ticket form here or go to the Education Foundation website.

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