Come join us for the Teachers vs. Students Basketball Game!! It will take place on April 8 at 6:30PM and will be in the Hopkinton High School’s Athletic Center. This event is brought to you by the Relay for Life foundation.
Relay for Life is an annual event that takes place in late spring of every year. Relay for Life is a 12 hour event in where the whole community comes together and fights against cancer. Leading up to the event, everyone raises money for cancer research and all proceedings are given to the American Cancer Society Association. Relay for Life is an event that brings us closer to finding a cure. This year, Relay is May 8-9th starting at 6PM and ends at 6AM. Donate, make a team, and sign up at today!!
One easy way you can participate in this great event is to support us in this upcoming basketball game!! Students and teachers will play against each other and it will be a fun night!! Raffles and concessions will be sold there and free tshirts will be thrown to all the fans that come! Come and join us for loads of entertainment and gifts!!