Test your limits! Join the Boy Scouts!

Hopkinton Troop 1 wants you! Now is the time to join the fun and excitement of America’s foremost youth program for boys—Boy Scouts. Designed for boys ages 11 to 18, Boy Scouting combines outdoor activities, sports, academics, and more in a fun and exciting program that helps boys test their limits!

Hopkinton Troop 1, one of the longest continuously chartered Boy Scout Troops in the US, has been serving the youth of Hopkinton, Massachusetts since 1916. This year’s calendar includes a wide range of monthly outdoor activities including camping, high-peak backpacking, whitewater rafting, rock-climbing, a high-adventure trip plus a week of summer camp in NH. The Troop meets every Monday evening during the school year from 7-8:30PM at Faith Community Church, 146 East Main Street. Interested boys and parents are encouraged to attend a meeting over the next couple of weeks as we kick off our new year of scouting. For more information, contact scoutmaster@troop1hopkinton.org or visit us online at http://www.troop1hopkinton.org.

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