The HPTA is honored to be taking over the Annual Pumpkin Prom event, a special father-daughter dance previously hosted by the Lion’s Club. The event will take place on October 27th from 5:30 until 8 pm in the Hopkins School gym and cafetorium. Fathers or other special adults can enjoy dancing with their daughters to music selected by D.J. Kathi Zerkle. There will be raffles, refreshments and a craft. Corsages and keepsake photos will be available for purchase.
The event is for daughters age 4-10. Tickets are $20 for each adult and can be purchased at the entrance to the event. Keepsake photo order forms can be downloaded prior to the event at
According to Erin Graziano, event coordinator, “that the Pumpkin Prom is such a beloved event in town we are excited to be a part of the effort to keep it going. While the location has changed, the event will include all of the same features everyone enjoyed in previous years.”
Local vendors have been very supportive of the Pumpkin Prom. Water Fresh Farm has generously donated hot chocolate. Holliston based photographer, Rich Gazoorian has offered his time to photograph fathers and daughters. A beautiful photographic backdrop is being provided by Weston Nurseries and Angel’s Garden Center has donated pumpkins and mums for decorations.
“We are so fortunate to have the many generous donations from the community help make the event even better.” said Lori Nickerson, Pumpkin Prom coordinator.
This event and other fundraisers have allowed the HPTA to donate over $2 million for the Hopkinton Public Schools since its inception in 1993. The proceeds of the events go directly to the schools and are used for programs such as student enrichment, scholarships, communication, technology enhancement, and professional development programs. More information about the HPTA’s many programs is available at