The Climate Reality Conversation with Scott Richardson

Thursday, April 22 at 7pm
Scott Richardson is an active member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps. A participant in the international training program led by Al Gore in 2019, Scott is focused on putting his passion about sustainability into practice and delivers an informative and impactful presentation to audiences who are seeking not only scientific data, but specific strategies that can be employed immediately to help our planet.

This one hour event will be live-streamed on the HCAM YouTube page, but a small number of free in-person tickets are available to view the presentation live and participate in a Q&A at the HCA’s Delbridge Performance Space at 98 Hayden Rowe St. in Hopkinton.

The in-person audience will be limited to 25 attendees and masks must be worn in the 3,000 square foot room. Seating will be spaced out to allow for sufficient distancing. You can also watch live on HCAM-TV, Comcast channel 8 and Verizon channel 30.

The Climate Reality Project provides the most current scientific information, as well as offering important easy-to-understand articles for people of all backgrounds and ages to digest what can seem to be an overwhelming topic. At the recent World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland, the Sustainability Strategy offered “Twenty-One Actions for 2021”. This approach aligns with the Climate Reality Project – allowing everyone to incorporate sustainability into their business objectives and personal lives. And most importantly, the Climate Reality Project offers solutions…and hope.

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