Save the date, Saturday, May 2, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM at the High School Cafeteria. Hop Swap is an amazing community tag sale whose proceeds go to the HPTA and Hop Mom’s Group. Fill a bag for $15, or for $10 if you donate items to the event.
We are looking for donations that are in good, clean condition. Donations may include: Children’s clothing size newborn to 14, kids sporting equipment, maternity clothes, toys, bikes, DVD’s, costumes, kids shoes and other gently used children’s items.
Donations should be dropped off on Friday, May 1 between 3:30 and 8:00 PM at the High School Cafeteria. Please label all boxes/bags with proper sizes/gender. If you have items that need to be donated right away, contact Nicole Tomasino at