The Hopkinton Public Library presents Yoga – A Way of Life

Yoga – A Way of Life will be a discourse and demonstration by Shubhada Wavikar of The Sacred Grove, a yoga studio in Hopkinton, MA. The event will be held at the Hopkinton Senior Center on Monday, June 20 at 7:00 PM.

June 21st is International Yoga Day! Have you ever been curious about yoga, but don’t quite know what it involves? Or perhaps you are an experienced practitioner looking to expand your yogic horizons.

Shuba will talk about the origin, types and branches of yoga. We will discuss the mind – body – soul connection in yoga, and note some research supporting yoga’s health benefits. We will briefly touch upon postures (asanas), some breathing techniques (pranayama), hand gestures (mudras), and meditation. We will also discuss the concept of mindfulness.

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