The Impact of Influence at Faith Community Church

Thursday, December 8 at 9:15-11:15am and 6:30-8:30p

Most of us can think of someone who has had a tremendous influence on our lives. How often do you think about the influence you have on those around you, every day, from your family, friends and co-workers, to those who may pass through your lives for the briefest of moments? What and whom do you allow to influence you, and how does this impact you?

In this seminar, we will explore how you are influencing others, how others are influencing you, and what changes we might make in our lives to be more intentional with the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility of influence.

Be Refreshed events are amazing seminars for women of all ages. You will be treated to a tasty brunch at the morning events or delicious desserts at the evening events.

We welcome all women; you do not need to be members of Faith Community Church, or any other church, to attend. There is no charge to attend these events.

Register at, click “Events”
Childcare for infants to 6-year-olds is available for the morning event and costs $3.00/child.

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