The library will be closed to the public between Monday, March 16 and Saturday, March 21. We are committed to supporting the health of the Hopkinton community and will be using this time to make operational adjustments to accommodate the social distancing recommendations that have released by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
Library staff will be reporting to work and will be available by phone and e-mail between 10 am and 5 pm (10 am and 4 pm on Saturday).
The library will be accepting returns through the bookdrop. If you are sick or if someone you live with is sick, please DO NOT return your items! Please contact us instead to ask for a renewal if you need one.
If you have items checked out from the library, we will adjust due dates for anything coming due this week. The C/W MARS system is still providing automatic renewals for those items that have a renewal remaining. If you need extra renewals beyond the limit, please contact us! We will arrange for fine forgiveness after the library reopens.
We are looking at ways to continue providing some services, like holds pickup, while we are closed. Stay tuned for more information early next week.
You can access ebooks, audiobooks, newspapers, databases and more from home through the library. Ebook information is at and database information is at
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Our community’s health and wellness are our top priority, and we appreciate your understanding as we take this time to ensure that we are doing our best in response to the Covid-19 outbreak.
Thank you.