The Town of Hopkinton, MA kicks off Sunshine Week 2019 with the launch of a new Project Portal

Sunshine Week is a national initiative created by the American Society of News Editors (ASNE) and is
aimed at educating the public about the importance of open government and the dangers of excessive
and unnecessary secrecy.

The Town of Hopkinton, MA is proud to kick off Sunshine Week 2019 with the launch of a new Project
Portal. The goals of the Portal are to increase overall awareness of town projects, to simplify and
streamline access to project information by putting all information related to the project in one easy to
find and use location, and to engage with the community and residents by providing a space to submit
questions or comments related to the project.

Hopkinton Director of IT Josh Grossetti states that, “We are thrilled to expand our partnership with
ClearGov and become the first municipality in Massachusetts to launch a Project Portal on the ClearGov
platform. We hope this helps encourage more residents to explore our existing ClearGov open budget
transparency and data visualization tools, which we launched in May of 2018. Hopkinton strives to be a
leader in transparency in government, and will continue to explore new technologies and platforms to
aid in the sharing of open information.”

The Project Portal currently features the Downtown Corridor Project, which affects Main Street from
just west of Wood Street to Ash Street (0.83 miles). The project is meant to improve traffic flow, safety
of pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists and to provide significant streetscape and aesthetic
improvements all of which create a safer more useable downtown.

Hopkinton residents voted to approve Article 20 at Annual Town Meeting 2018, which appropriated
$3,000,000 to provide for design, construction services, professional services, undergrounding of utilities
and associated work, installation of street lighting, and police details related to the Main Street Corridor
Project. The total estimated cost of the project is $15,450,000 of which over $12,000,000 is funded
through MassDOT, a MassWorks Grant, and Host Community Agreements. You can find more info at
the Project Portal here:…

Hopkinton’s Transparency center is available from the Town’s homepage at,
and includes links to a number of additional resources for residents.

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