Timlin Race Still Looking for Volunteers

Volunteers are still needed for the Sharon Timlin Race on this Saturday, June 18th.

“I’m helping the race go green this year,” said Jayashree Dattar. “I guess all of you are thinking someone else has already volunteered, but I need you!! “

Still needed are Bike Valets (7-11:30 am), Green Monitors for the Start line, finish line and mini marathon areas (8:00-10:00). Old shoes to send to Africa are also being collected. Shoes can be dropped off at PR Running in Westboro on Thursday or Friday of this week, or can be brought to packet pack up on race day.

The Timlin race is a large event with 1500 runners and several hundred children running and it is 100% volunteer run with all funds going to find a cure for ALS.

Please encourage spouses, friends, and older children to volunteer. Contact Jayashree Dattar at jaydattar@gmail.com if you can help out.

For more information about how the Sharon Timlin Race is going green, Click Here.

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