Update on Town Hall renovations from Town Engineer Dave Daltorio:
The re-pointing work under Phase I has been completed with removal and restoration of all the windows scheduled to begin shortly. The re-pointing work included grinding out all the mortar joints between the existing bricks and replacing with mortar that matched the mortar used during the original construction of the historic building. Re-pointing replaced the failed and failing mortar joints on this portion of the building. The grinding of the mortar joints revealed significant deterioration of the existing brickwork in areas not previously identified, see pictures. It is typical, especially with restoration projects, to uncover entire sections that need to be rebuilt not previously identified. Until re-pointing work begins the full extent of this type of work is not completely known. The contingency for construction is being utilized to pay for the additional work.
It can be expected that many other areas of the existing building will have deteriorated in a kind manner which will be critical to repair under Phase II of the project. Phase II is being planned as a capital expenditure for inclusion in future Town Meeting as the original appropriation did not cover the full extent of the required repairs. Phase II will mainly include completing re-pointing of the building, critical as Phase I has uncovered significant deterioration, and completing repair of the slate roof.
Within the next couple weeks residents will notice windows being boarded up as they are removed for restoration off site. Restoration will include replacement of all the existing glass and repainting with as much of the existing wood to remain. Once restored the windows will be re-installed. Window restoration will be taking place in two phases as to not board up all the windows at the same time.
If you have any questions about the project please feel free to contact me via email, (ddaltorio@hopkintonma.gov), or in the office, 508-497-9738.