The Town of Hopkinton is inviting town residents to take part in the 2013 Citizen Survey online. Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey below. Your feedback will help the Town set the benchmarks for tracking services to residents and will assist the Board of Selectmen in setting the priorities and decisions before our community. You may complete the online survey here:
In Phase One of the Citizen Survey the Town mailed the survey to 1,200 resident randomly selected to participate in the regular “scientific” mailed survey. The deadline for submitting responses closed on July 17, the results of which will be tabulated by mid-August.
Phase Two of the Citizen Survey provides an opportunity for town residents to take the survey online. It represents the “non-scientific” web option and is open to the entire community. The deadline for completing the online survey is Thursday, August 22nd.
Thank you for your time and participation.
Norman Khumalo
Town Manager