$5,000 Grants Available, Applications Due by Jan. 19, 2023
Town Manager Norman Khumalo and Assistant Town Manager Elaine Lazarus are pleased to share a new grant opportunity for local small businesses that were adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
A total of $100,000 in funding is available through the Town of Hopkinton Economic Recovery Support Grant. Individual grant amounts for awardees will be $5,000.
“Small, local businesses are a valuable part of our community and faced many unprecedented hardships due to the pandemic,” Town Manager Khumalo said. “We are pleased to be able to offer this funding to provide stability to Hopkinton’s small businesses as they continue to recover from the pandemic’s impacts.”
Funds can be used to support the economic recovery of the business, such as expenses for payroll, rent, mortgage interest, utilities, inventory, COVID-19 supplies, personal protective equipment and more. The grants shall not be used for the personal benefit or personal expenses of owners or employees.
Grant applications must be completed and delivered or mailed to the Town Manager’s Office, 18 Main St., by Jan. 19, 2023. Applications will be accepted and processed on a first come, first served basis.
To access the application, click here. To access the grant program description, click here.
“Many small businesses closed or limited operations during the pandemic, and are still working to come back from those losses,” said Assistant Town Manager Lazarus. “We hope to be able to help many small businesses through this grant program, and we encourage businesses to review the requirements and apply for a grant as soon as possible.”
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
25 or fewer employees
Primary place of business must be located in the Town of Hopkinton
Must have been adversely impacted as a result of COVID-19. Examples of adverse impact may include, but are not limited to: decreased revenue or gross receipts; financial insecurity or increased costs; challenges covering payroll, rent, mortgage and other operating costs; or limited capacity to weather financial hardship.
Owners do not have a conflict of interest, which is defined as follows: No elected or appointed officials of the Town of Hopkinton, employees of the Town of Hopkinton, or any of their immediate family members may have an ownership interest in the business. Immediate family includes (whether by blood, marriage or adoption) the spouse, parent/stepparent, child/stepchild, brother/stepbrother, sister/stepsister, grandparent, grandchild, and in-laws
Does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, disability, religion or sexual orientation
Must have and maintain an active business physically located within the Town of Hopkinton at the time of application and at the time of receipt of grant funds
Cannot be barred from receiving state or federal funds
Must be current on all Town of Hopkinton taxes and fees
Non-profit organizations are eligible, provided that the organization complies with all of the items listed above, it maintains a physical building/facility within the Town of Hopkinton which is the primary place of its operation, and its building/facility is open to the public
The grant funding is not available to banks and financial institutions; law firms and attorneys; physicians, dentists, surgeons and veterinarians; insurance brokers and agents; real estate brokers and sales agents; or architects, engineers and land surveyors.
Questions about the application can be directed to Lazarus at 508-497-9701 or elainel@hopkintonma.gov.