Town Manager Norman Khumalo and Invitational Entry Program Project Manager Vasudha Dutta are pleased to announce that the Boston Athletic Association (BAA) has allocated 50 invitational entries to the Town of Hopkinton for the 2023 Boston Marathon.
Per the Town’s Marathon Policy, the Select Board will set the 2023 Marathon Invitational Entry Program Policy at its Oct. 11 meeting.
It is expected that the application period will open on Oct.12 and close on Oct. 26. Following the application period, random distribution of the entries will take place on Nov. 1. This schedule will afford local organizations ample time to find runners for the 2023 Boston Marathon.
“We are grateful to receive invitational entries from the Boston Athletic Association to allocate to a number of local organizations that work endlessly to give back to the community throughout the year,” Dutta said.
“Our local organizations do so much for the Hopkinton community, and we are pleased to be able to celebrate them in this way,” Town Manager Khumalo said. “We are looking forward to another great year of representation for our local organizations.”
On a yearly basis, beginning in 2013, the Hopkinton Select Board has distributed invitational entries received from the BAA to registered non-profit organizations undertaking public service activities within the Town of Hopkinton and Town departments, boards and committees that perform Marathon functions. Last year 33 non-governmental organizations raised $390,065.58.