Town of Hopkinton Encourages Community Members to Complete Public Survey on Storm Water Flooding

Town Manager Norman Khumalo and Director of Public Works John Westerling announce the availability of a public survey on storm water flooding.

The survey seeks to gain input from residents, business owners and property owners about their experiences with flooding in their neighborhood.

The survey closes Wednesday, Feb. 22. Click following link to complete the survey:

The Town of Hopkinton is working with a team of consultants, Tighe & Bond of Westfield, to assess areas of concern in the town’s stormwater collection and distribution system. As part of the FEMA Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant, the town is working to identify different areas of localized flooding.

Input provided via the survey will help the town better understand flooding concerns and identify ways to enhance the town’s existing stormwater collection infrastructure and other potential mitigation activities to reduce flooding-related impacts. The primary focus of this work will be on stream crossings and culverts.

The town applied for the BRIC grant in 2020 following the completion of the 2020 Hazard Mitigation- Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Plan. The plan identified stormwater flooding as a component of two of the four main hazards affecting the town. The full MVP plan can be found at link below.

“We value the input of the Hopkinton public and ask residents, business owners and property owners to complete this survey, as well as encourage their neighbors to provide feedback,” Director of Public Works Westerling said. “Community input will help us identify problematic areas in town and better the infrastructure in those areas using the BRIC grant funding.”

A public meeting regarding the project will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 15 at 5 p.m. via Zoom. A meeting notice with virtual access information will be sent out prior to the meeting.

More information on the project BRIC grant can be found at

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