Town of Hopkinton Seeks Candidates for School Committee Vacancies

Town Manager Norman Khumalo and Town Clerk Connor Degan report that two seats on the Hopkinton School Committee will be included on the ballot for the upcoming spring Town Election following the recent resignations of two School Committee members.

Rather than appoint temporary replacements, the Town chose to add the positions to the ballot for the May 16 Annual Town Election. The decision was made during a special meeting of the Hopkinton Select Board Saturday morning.

Following the affirmative vote, any registered voter of the Town of Hopkinton may appear in person at the Town Clerk’s Office, 18 Main St., to declare their intent to run.
Individuals must declare which seat they intend to run for as there are multiple seats of varying term lengths on the ballot.

The candidate must then collect the signatures of at least 50 registered Town voters to

Town of Hopkinton Seeks Candidates for School Committee Vacancies return to the Clerk’s office for verification and certification. All signatures must be returned so they can counted before 5 p.m. on Monday, March 28 in order for the candidate to qualify for inclusion on the ballot.

Intending individuals may also get on the ballot through the process of local political party committee caucuses which can nominate candidates for the ballot if the candidate is a member of that political party.

Any questions regarding the process should be directed to Town Clerk Degan at or 508-497-9710.

“We are grateful to both members for the time they dedicated and contributions they made in support of our Hopkinton Public Schools,” said Select Board Chair Irfan Nasrullah. “The members of our School Committee play a crucial role in our community by planning for the future of our schools and ensuring that the district is well-positioned to serve Hopkinton’s students and educators.”

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