The Town of Hopkinton will begin automated collection of trash and recyclables on March 27,
2017 through its contractor, EL Harvey. EL Harvey will collect your trash and recyclables using
wheeled carts that will be loaned to you by EL Harvey at no cost to you or the Town. You will
receive a new trash calendar in the mail from EL Harvey that details the process.
EL Harvey will begin the process of distributing both a 95 gallon wheeled cart for recyclables and
a 65 gallon wheeled cart for trash on March 6th to each residence that is currently in the trash
collection program, and that process will take three weeks. You need not do anything to receive
your carts – they will be delivered to your home and left at the end of your driveway sometime
within that delivery timeframe.
If you want to opt out of the automated collection program and you do not want to receive free
carts then you must call EL Harvey’s Customer Service line at 800-321-3002 and let them know
that you are opting out of the program.
Many elements of the current system will remain the same:
The day of the week that your trash and recyclables are collected will remain the same.
The time that you place your trash and recyclables at the curb will remain the same.
The materials that you can recycle will remain the same.
The use of overflow bags for extra trash will remain the same.
Some elements of the current system will change:
You will no longer have to separate your recyclables. Your recyclables will be collected in
a “single stream” format; in other words you will put all of your paper, cardboard,
containers, glass, plastic and other recyclables into the same 95 gallon cart.
You will only have to put recyclables out at the curb every two weeks. The week of March
27th will be the first week of recyclables collection and then recyclables will be collected
every other week. The calendar that you receive in the mail will show that schedule in
You are invited to call EL Harvey’s Customer Service number at 800-321-3002 or the Hopkinton
DPW at 508-497-9740 if you have any questions about the new program.