Town of Hopkinton Urges Runners to Stay Home on Patriots’ Day

With the announcement of the postponement of the 2020 Boston Marathon to Monday, September 14, the Hopkinton Select Board is strongly urging runners to refrain from coming to the start line in Hopkinton or attempting to run the marathon course on Monday, April 20.

Parking restrictions in downtown Hopkinton, around the Town Common, and anywhere else near the start line will be in place.

“In the spirit of keeping not only those who run, but the citizens of Hopkinton and its first responders safe, we are asking everyone to continue complying with the Commonwealth’s Stay-at-Home Advisory,” said Select Board Vice Chair and Boston Athletic Association Liaison John Coutinho.

Board members encourage runners instead to look forward to their chance to run in a very unique Boston Marathon on September 14, Marathon Day.

According to the BAA, every year 4,000 local, state and federal law enforcement officers, 480 members of the National Guard and 1,900 medical personnel support the Boston Marathon on Patriots’ Day. Now, however, they are all working the front lines to battle the COVID-19 pandemic. “We urge anyone considering running the Boston Marathon course this weekend to stay home, follow social distancing guidelines, and help flatten the curve. Groups of runners would divert valuable, urgent resources from the cities and towns along the course. We must work together to stop the spread of coronavirus, so we can run again in September,” said the BAA spokesperson.

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