Two Meetings Scheduled to Discuss Downtown Plan

Would you like to learn more about what changes the Town of Hopkinton is considering for the downtown revitalization project (Main Street, between Ash Street and Wood Street)? Do you have comments and recommendations to offer? Aesthetic improvements, pedestrian safety, parking, changes to the major intersections and the possible placement of utility lines underground are all being discussed.

The Town is providing an opportunity for those who are interested to learn more about the Project and discuss aspects of the Project with the Town Engineer, DPW Director and Director of Land Use Planning and Permitting. They will be available to provide a brief summary of the key elements of the Downtown Revitalization Project and answer any questions. Your comments and recommendations will be conveyed to the Downtown Initiative Steering Committee.

The purpose of the meetings is to provide an update to the public and to gather additional input for DISC. With town meeting deadlines on the horizon, this will help to inform and shape the decisions that will be made as to how the Town will proceed with the various elements and the overall Project.

Please consider attending one of the two daytime meetings, which will be held in Room 215 (Board of Selectmen meeting room) at the Hopkinton Town Hall, 18 Main Street, on;

1. Thursday, February 9th from 10:00 to 11:00 AM
2. Thursday, February 16th from Noon to 1:00PM

In addition to these daytime meetings, the Project will be presented to the Planning Board at its February 6th meeting at 7:30 pm in Room 211 of Town Hall, where residents will also be able to ask questions and offer recommendations relative to the Project.

The DISC will be holding its’ next meeting on February 21st at 7:00 PM in Room 216 of Town Hall where it will be provided with an update and the feedback received at the three meetings. The DISC will also discuss and determine next steps in presenting the Project to the Board of Selectmen.

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