Upper Charles Trail Committee Members Needed

The Board of Selectmen voted at its February 7, 2012 meeting to seek candidates for membership on the Upper Charles Trail Committee.

The Committee is charged with developing the Upper Charles Trail in Hopkinton, from the Milford Town line to the Ashland Town line, which shall include the Hopkinton Center Trail. The Committee’s responsibilities shall include, but shall not be limited to, planning, design, permitting, property rights acquisition and construction of the Trail and associated infrastructure. The Committee shall identify, apply for and receive any State, Federal or private grants which may become available for the accomplishment of its mission. The Committee may request and advocate for Community Preservation Act funds.

The Committee shall also consider whether to establish a Friends of the Hopkinton Upper Charles Trail 501(c) (3) non-profit organization which will incorporate and encourage citizen involvement, work cooperatively with citizens and the Town to promote the proper use and care of the Trail, raise and expend funds for maintenance and improvements, and oversee the Trail and report improper uses. If establishment is recommended by the Committee, it shall take any and all actions necessary to establish the organization.

The Committee shall elect a Chair and Vice Chair annually. The Committee shall comply with Open Meeting Law requirements.

The Committee shall have 9 full members and 2 alternate members as follows:
Full Members:

  • Two abutters or residents of the area in the vicinity of the proposed Trail
  • A designee of the Conservation Commission
  • A designee of the Open Space Preservation Commission
  • A designee of the Parks and Recreation Commission
  • A designee of the Board of Selectmen
  • Three members at-large

Alternate Members:

  • Two members at-large
    There shall be at least one member of the Committee with civil engineering expertise, one with previous multi-use trail development and/or construction experience, and one with public relations experience. All members shall be Hopkinton residents.

    Full members shall be appointed by the Board of Selectmen for staggered three year terms. The initial appointments shall be as noted below, but thereafter shall be for three year terms.

  • Initial one year term: One abutter/area resident; One member at large; the designee of the Board of Selectmen;
  • Initial two year term: One member at large; the designee of the Parks and Recreation Commission; the designee of the Open Space Preservation Commission
  • Initial three year term: One member at large; the designee of the Conservation Commission; One abutter/area resident
  • One alternate member shall be appointed for an initial one year term and one shall be appointed for an initial three year term. Thereafter, appointments will be for three years.

    The Director of Land Use, Planning and Permitting Department shall serve as the primary contact point and staff resource for the Committee.

    For more information regarding this Upper Charles Trail Committee, please contact Elaine Lazarus, Director of Land Use, Planning and Permitting Department, at 508-497-9755 or elainel@hopkinton.org. If interested, please submit letters of interest to the Selectmen’s Office, Town Hall, 18 Main Street, or to Geri Holland at Geri@hopkinton.org by Noon on March 7, 2012.

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