Upton Woman’s Club Hosting its Annual Fall Fair

On November 7, from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, the Upton Woman’s Club will hold its Annual Fall Fair at the Blackstone Regional Tech High School, 65 Pleasant St., Upton, MA.

Come, see, touch and get an opportunity to win the much talked about famous and beautiful Upton Woman’s Club Handmade Quilt. Select from numerous vendors offering a large variety of items for you and your home – for the holidays and beyond. Enjoy delicious food from the “Kountry Kafe’.” Take home some home-made canned and baked goods. You will enjoy the unique crafts and pre-owned treasures on display.

Admission is Free and there is plenty of parking space. For more information, contact: Barbara Davis Stubbs at 508-372-0344 or email: uptonwomansclub@gmail.com.

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