Urgent Need for Dog Foster Homes

Looking for a meaningful way to help animals in the new year? You can make a huge difference in the life of a dog by giving them a temporary foster home.

Baypath Humane Society urgently needs foster homes for a handful of dogs in need. Fostering involves providing love, care, and shelter for an animal until they find their forever home. The shelter’s greatest need is for adult only, pet-free foster homes. A fenced yard would be ideal.

Fostering experience isn’t necessary but experience with dogs is a plus (as is positive training experience). Any of the dog’s medical care costs are covered through Baypath’s vet while the dog is in foster, and Baypath can provide food and other supplies as needed.

“Most of our animals stay with us at the shelter until they’re adopted, but for some dogs, living in the shelter is tough on their health and well being,” said Executive Director Elizabeth Jefferis. “Foster families make a tremendous difference—giving these dogs the right environment to become the very best pet companion.”

Please consider becoming a foster parent to a dog in need. To learn more about fostering, please visit our website, stop by the shelter at 5 Rafferty Rd in Hopkinton, MA, or contact Baypath Humane Society today at 508-435-6938 or foster@baypathhumane.org.

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