Dear Vets and Friends:
Another month has flown by, bringing us to the start of the holiday season — Christmas and Chanukah. What can be better than to meet with your comrades in a warm, friendly environment at the Vets Breakfast on Friday, 2 December 2016, at 0900 hours, at the Senior Center. As always, chipped beef will be at the center of our enjoyment.
If you are not able to join-in, you can visit your buddies electronically: Click the 3 parallel lines in the upper-left corner of the image, and scroll to the video of your choice
We will recognize the comrades lost during the past month, and identify the veterans who are house-bound on sick call. The holidays are an ideal time to visit some veterans who have lost some mobility.
Recollections of military events that previously occurred on December 2nd will be reviewed. Also there will be announcements of current veterans activities in Hopkinton.
A guest will be with us. Steve Petak, chairman of Viet Nam the 50th Massachusetts Inc. will distribute Dept. of Defense-approved lapel pins among veterans who served on active duty at anytime and anywhere between 1 November 1955 and 15 May 1955. It is a symbol of appreciation for service. You earned it; you should attend breakfast to receive your lapel pin.
A free breakfast will be given to anyone who correctly answers the monthly baseball quiz: Who had the most career rbi (1,903) without ever leading the league?
Any veteran with transportation difficulties should call Amy Beck on/before 30 November 2016, 508 497-97830.
Amer. Legion McDonough-Carlberg Post 202 will lead the Pledge of Allegiance, and the blessing of the meal.
See you Friday. Out.