Veterans Breakfast Friday June 7

Invitation to the next Veterans Breakfast from Hank Allessio:

The Senior Center mess hall will serve breakfast for Veterans on Friday, 7 June 2013, at or before 0900 hours. The menu includes eggs, bacon, hash, home fries, biscuits, plenty of coffee — and chipped beef. Please invite your friends who don’t receive this email.

Veterans Remember is fully posted; visit some of your friends. Dick Gooding is in the hunt for more Vets to have a conversation with him in front of the HCAM-TV lens. How about you? If not, what about encouraging one of your buddies?

The Photo Gallery is up-to-date. 473 photos are waiting for your visit. Your recruiting will be helpful to get more photos. Everyone who ever lived in Hopkinton and wore a uniform should be standing tall with you in the Hopkinton Vets Photo Gallery.

Here’s a “softball” question for a free breakfast opportunity. Name the famous baseball player, now retired, who said: “I think Little League is wonderful. It keeps the kids out of the house.” A consolation prize (not a free breakfast) is for everyone to enjoy: Friday’s Vets breakfast will have no scheduled outside speakers!

Anyone with transportation difficulties can call Sally Almy by Wednesday, 5 June 2013, 508 497-9730.

The Pledge of Allegiance and the blessing of our meal will be led by members of the American Legion McDonough-Carlberg Post 202.

See you Friday. Out.

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