Veterans Breakfast Friday March 1st

An invitation from Hank Allessio to the March 1st Veterans Breakfast at the Hopkinton Senior Center:

The Senior Center mess hall will serve breakfast for Veterans on Friday, 1 March 2013, at or before 0900 hours. Chipped beef headlines the menu along with eggs, bacon, hash, home fries, biscuits, and plenty of coffee. Please invite your friends who don’t receive this email.

In the past month Veterans Remember has posted Jack Cahill and Frank Chase ( Any day you will be able to see Ron Remillard and Alicia Shambo. More Vets are being sought to have a conversation with Dick Gooding in front of the HCAM-TV lens. How about you? If not, what about encouraging one of your buddies?

The Photo Gallery is up-to-date. 468 photos are waiting for your visit. Your recruiting is needed. Everyone who ever lived in Hopkinton and wore a uniform should be standing tall with you in the Hopkinton Vets Photo Gallery ( ).

Willing to compete for a free breakfast? This month the question is about breaking the color barrier in MLB. Jackie Robinson (an officer in the US Army) came on the scene in 1947 (after our Paul Phipps played on an all-black team at Lejeune). Who was the first black MLB pitcher? He is one of the following (listed alpha):

__ Dan Bankhead
__ Joe Black
__ Don Newcombe
__ Leroy “Satchel” Paige

Anyone with transportation difficulties can call Sally Almy by Wednesday, 27 February 2013, 508 497-9730.

The Pledge of Allegiance and the blessing of our meal will be led by members of the American Legion McDonough-Carlberg Post 202.

See you Friday. Out.


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