Dear Vets and Friends:
The Senior Center Mess Hall will have chipped beef and other great chow ready for you on 1 November 2013, at or about 0900 hours. Best of all there will be a custom-made environment of good friends and camaraderie. Please invite your friends who don’t receive this message. If there are transportation difficulties, call Sally Almy by 30 October 2013, 508 497-9730.
Three recent online posts will keep you abreast of Hopkinton’s ongoing veterans activities:
1) War Dogs Visit the Hopkinton Senior Center.
2) Veterans Remember: Ted Hoyt
3) Military Baseball
A handful of additional photos will expand The Veterans Photo Gallery to 500. Please help locate an image of anyone who has lived in town and worn a military uniform .
Dick Gooding’s Veterans Remember program is hard-charging for fall and winter tapings. Let Dick know if you are aware of a prospective guest.
All who are at the breakfast will be able to earn a fully-paid meal by correctly answering the monthly baseball quiz. Must attend! The following fellows have several things in common: Warren Spahn, Lou Brissie, and Dick Gooding. I can think of 5 things in common. Name 3 of the commonalities to win breakfast; a tie-breaker, if needed, will come from one of the remaining 2.
The Pledge of Allegiance and the blessing of our meal will be led by members of the American Legion McDonough-Carlberg Post 202.
See you Friday. Out.
Hank Allessio