The November Vets Breakfast is here. Friday, 1 November 2019, at 0900 hours, served by the Senior Center on Mayhew Street. The chilling weather will make the chipped beef better than ever.
Our comrades who passed away during October will be remembered, and those who are on “Sick Call” will be announced and their conditions updated. Several generous veterans visit thses comrades, and/or call or send cards.
After breakfast, memories of military events that previously occurred on November 1st will be recalled; for example, in 1952 on November 1st, the USA exploded the first hydrogen bomb, in a test at Eniwetok in the Marshall Islands. There will be announcements relating to Veterans Day and related activities.
A free breakfast and lunch will be awarded to the first person who correctly answers the monthly baseball Quiz: Who is the youngest Red Sox player to hit a HR since 20-year-old Tony Conigliaro in 1965?
Hopkinton veterans with transportation difficulties should call the Senior Center on/before 30 October 2019, 508 497-9730. Please encourage other Hopkinton veterans to attend the breakfast.
American Legion Post 202 will lead the Pledge of Allegiance, and will bless the meal.
See you Friday. Out.