Veterans Breakfast October 7.

Dear Vets and Friends:

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day according to the civilian world. Hopkinton veterans — you — have that nutritional problem solved with chipped beef, scrambled eggs, and camaraderie on 7 October 2016, at 0900 hours, at the Senior Center.

The plan is for another enjoyable get-together when we will learn of local veterans activities (Veterans Day is a month away), and recall past military events that occurred on 7 October. Hopkinton veterans, including those who will share breakfast with you, have created a unique military history. Typically there is a heightened appreciation of this history from casual sharings with your breakfast “neighbors.”

These sites are valuable records of Hopkinton’s military history.

Answer the monthly baseball quiz and earn a free breakfast: Three ML pitchers have each started 5 All-Star games. Don Drysdale and Lefty Gomez are two, who is the other?

Any veteran with transportation difficulties should call Amy Beck on/before 5 October 2016, 508 497-9730. Please encourage other Vets to attend the breakfast.

Amer. Legion McDonough-Carlberg Post 202 will lead the Pledge of Allegiance, and the blessing of the meal.

See you Friday. Out.

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