Dear Vets and Friends:
It’s “Chipped Beef Friday!” Muster will be on 3 April 2015, at the Senior Center mess hall at 0900 hours. Get there early for tasty muffins to go along with that first cup of Joe, and of course, prime seat selection. If there are transportation difficulties, call Amy Beck by 1 April 2015, 508 497-9730.
Veterans Remember broadcasts are available 24/7 at . Let us know of prospective guests. Visit the List of Links: , and see a wide variety of veterans activities in Hopkinton.
Fred Betz is Vets Photo Gallery member #524. He served in the US Army. Please maintain the momentum by locating an image of anyone who has ever lived in Hopkinton and worn a military uniform .
May is National Military Appreciation Month — it’s not only Memorial Day. To keep with the theme, our friends from the Natick Labs will make another presentation. Mark your calendar; the May breakfast is 1 May 2015.
Free breakfast quiz opportunity. Who holds the Red Sox record for saves in a season? To help make it easier it is one of the following: Tom Gordon, Dick Radatz, Jeff Reardon, or Calvin Schiraldi. Tie-breaker: how many saves? Must be in attendance to get the prize.
American Legion McDonough-Carlberg Post 202 will lead the Pledge of Allegiance and the blessing of our meal.
See you Friday. Out.
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Thomas Jefferson
Baseball Opening Day is the night of 5 April 2015, at Wrigley. Prepare for your season with the annual release of Hopkinton’s military baseball history: