To All Veterans and Friends:
Double time to be sure to get a seat at the mess hall for your ration of chipped beef. This month it will be served on Friday, 8 January 2016, at 0900 hours at the Hopkinton Senior Center. Invite other veterans to enjoy the camaraderie and good chow.
Many local veterans are passing in review at various online links. Pay a visit, Great surfing …
The December Breakfast paid tribute to several lost comrades: (be patient with the ads and pop-ups). The January Breakfast gives us an opportunity to welcome home Sergeant Burton “Burt” Comfort who was deployed for nearly a year in the Persian Gulf. His unit is the 338th Engineer Company (Attleboro, MA) of the 368th Engineer Battalion (Londonderry, NH).
Let us know if there is a candidate for an HCAM broadcast of Veterans Remember. The half-hour production will become a permanent part of Hopkinton history. Similarly, it will be great if you can locate a photo of a Hopkinton Vet for the Vets Photo Gallery. There are 536 poses and counting which is another integral part of our history.
A free breakfast is available to anyone who correctly answers the monthly baseball quiz: three MLB players hold their franchises’ records for singles, doubles, triples, and HRs. Stan Musial and George Brett are two of them; who is the third?
If you have transportation difficulties call Amy Beck on/before 6 January 2016, 508 497-9730.
Members of American Legion McDonough-Carlberg Post 202 will lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance and the blessing of our meal.
See you Friday. Out.
“A good battle plan that you act on today can be better than a perfect plan tomorrow.” General George S. Patton