An Invitation from Hank Allessio
On Friday, 4 February 2011, the Senior Center will host the Vets Breakfast. The continuing theme is camaraderie, community, and plenty of food. What better way to meet your buddies? The Senior Center mess hall will have chipped beef ready for you, and — most important — it takes only
a few good friends to have an enjoyable get-together.
Your friends will be there at or before 0900 hours, probably already in line for the 3-buck bargain. Invite friends, especially those without
email. If there are any Vets with a transportation hardship, call Sally Almy at the Senior Center (508 497-9730) by Wednesday. Sally will try to
arrange a pick-up.
Don Lane, US Army (and USN!), was the most recent Veterans Remember recording. Twelve sessions can be viewed now, with another 8 (including Don) in the wings waiting to be posted online. Do I hear any more volunteers? Are some of your friends appropriate candidates?
Be sure your photo gets posted in The Vets Photo Gallery
The 410 barrier has been broken, and we’re still counting. The last two photos were Don Wright and Bill Peaslee, Jr. James Henderson is in-queue.
A Prayer and Pledge again will be led by members of American Legion McDonough-Carlberg Post 202.
See you Friday. Out.
Hank Allessio