Dear Vets and Friends:
The Senior Center mess hall will serve a special breakfast for Veterans on Friday, 4 January 2013, at or before 0900 hours. The menu is highlighted by chipped beef. For those on delicate diets, the beef is optional; there’s lots of other good chow: eggs, bacon, hash, home fries, biscuits, and plenty of coffee. Invite your friends who don’t receive this email.
Electronically connected Vets can visit our Hopkinton Vets Photo Gallery ( ). In The Gallery queue are six additional photos of Veterans of The Battle of Okinawa. The source of the photos is the famous “Fair Booklet” from the 1940s. Soon — be patient — the Gallery will have names alphabetized within each branch of service. It will be much easier to access and enjoy when that is done. Veterans Remember ( ) has had two sessions with Viet Nam era Vets, Jack Cahill and Frank Chase. Jack’s session has been broadcast; Frank will follow soon. More Vets are being sought to have a conversation with Dick Gooding in front of the HCAM lens. Please step forward or recruit one of your buddies.
The free breakfast question will be more challenging compared to the “lob ball” multiple choice last month. Once again combining the military with baseball, name the former Boston Red Sox player who was a Navy fighter pilot Ace; he downed several Japanese Zeroes during WW II; he earned a Silver Star, the Distinguished Flying Cross twice, and 4 Air Medals. The answer is NOT Ted Williams.
After breakfast there will be a repeat performance by staff from the US Army Natick Soldier Research Center on the subject of new developments in field rations for combat troops. For those who attended 2+ years ago, it was a tasty success.
Anyone with transportation difficulties can call Sally Almy before Wednesday, 2 January 2013, 508 497-9730.
The Pledge of Allegiance and the blessing of our meal will be led by members of the American Legion McDonough-Carlberg Post 202.
See you Friday. Out.
Hank Allessio