Vets Breakfast November 7 at Senior Center

Enjoy breakfast at the Senior Center Mess Hall featuring chipped beef and other great chow on Friday, 7 November 2014, at or about 0900 hours. The regulars are there early, so don’t be late. Be prepared for the camaraderie of good friends. Please invite Vets who don’t receive this message. If there are transportation difficulties, call Amy Beck by 5 November 2014, 508 497-9730.

Our gathering will be timely. We should get hot-off-the-press news about Veterans Day activities in Hopkinton.
The crown jewel of official activities is the Veterans Appreciation Dinner at the Rod and Gun Club on Tuesday evening. Those who can still fit into their government-issued uniforms will be jealously noted.

The Photo Gallery has 519 “poses” which are segmented by branch of service, and alphabetized. Please maintain the momentum by locating an image of anyone who has lived in town and worn a military uniform .

Veterans Remember shows are available 24/7 at . Let us know of prospective guests. Visit the List of Links:, and see a wide variety of veterans activities in Hopkinton.

Free breakfast quiz opportunity. What MLer played the most games at first base? Name him for a free breakfast. (I bet your first guess is wrong). Must attend breakfast to win!

The Pledge of Allegiance and the blessing of our meal will be led by members of the American Legion McDonough-Carlberg Post 202.

See you Friday. Out.

“A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces but also by the men it honors, the men it remembers.” JFK

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