Video: Down Syndrome Advocate, Marla Murasko speaks about State House Visit and New Book

Marla Murasko stopped by the HCAM studios to speak about her and her Sons State House visit during “Massachusetts Down Syndrome Advocacy Day” and her new book “Adventures with a Special Traveler”. Marla’s 11 year old son, Jacob was diagnosed with down syndrome and a congenital heart defect.

“Her life’s mission is to help make the world a more accepting place for her son and for all individuals with Down syndrome and it shows in all that she is involved with. So much, that her family will be launching a nonprofit called “Special & Determined”, whose mission is to help families of children with Down Syndrome by providing financial support for therapeutic services and early interventions, to build a path to a more accepting and inclusive society, where all individuals with Down Syndrome can contribute.”

View more about Marla in the interview below and at her website:

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