Every 2nd Tuesday of the month from 1-3pm, the Hopkinton Senior Center in partnership with the Hopkinton Public Library will be hosting “Our Time Memory Cafe” at the Hopkinton Public Library. Upcoming events include June 12th, July 10th, August 14th and September 11th. “Our Time Memory Cafe is a welcoming gathering for those experiencing forgetfulness, mild cognitive impairment, or living with dementia and their care partner, family, and friends. The monthly events are free, offering conversation and refreshments in a relaxing atmosphere. The cafe is a place to socialize, share experiences with others going through similar changes, and form friendships. Celebrate life and share happiness at Our Time Memory Cafe.”
In the below video, Pat Srodawa from the Hopkinton Senior Center talked to HCAM news about the program. If you would like more info you may also contact 508-497-0108 or email: info@ourtimememorycafe.org.