Video: Officer, Thomas Griffin works final day at HPD.

Thomas Griffin has served as a Police Officer with the Hopkinton Police Department for 38 years and today he worked his final day. Chief Lee stated that Officer Griffin did not want to leave but because of his age he had to retire due to state laws. “For the 2 and a half years i’ve been here, Tom’s been like a mentor towards me, showed me the town, gave me all the inside information, tricks of the trade, letting me know a little bit about the history of Hopkinton..he’s one of the most dedicated cops i’ve ever met and we’re certainly going to miss him.. he’s been a wealth of knowledge.”

Chief Lee mentioned that Officer, Thomas Griffin has assisted the department in dozens of ways throughout his career including working with mental health advocates and training officers on the use of Narcan (opiate antidote). Chief Lee also mentioned that Officer Griffin kept the Police cars on the road by performing fleet maintenance “We certainly hope we can find a decent replacement for him” the Chief said with a smile.

Officer Pat O’Brien who retired after 32 years with HPD in 2015 stated that he worked with Officer Griffin his entire career; “a vast amount of knowledge is going to be leaving with him…he’s had his fingers in nearly every aspect of the department…he’s certainly going to be missed by not only everyone at HPD but certainly by the residents of Hopkinton.”

Officer Griffin will continue to serve the Hopkinton Police Department on a limited basis with road details and assisting the department by Consulting and Assisting with activities such as National Night Out and the Annual Fishing Derby. View more from Officer Thomas Griffin’s last day below.